1081 |
IS 1785 : Part 2 (1983) - Specification for plain hard drawn steel wire for prestressed concrete: Part 2 as - Drawn wire (First Revision) |
Specification for plain hard drawn steel wire for prestressed concrete: Part 2 as - Drawn wire (First Revision) |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
6.3 (Ductility) |
1000.0 |
6.2 (Proof Stress) |
1000.0 |
6.1 (Tensile Strength) |
1000.0 |
4 (Dimension) |
1000.0 |
1082 |
IS 2062 (2011) - Hot rolled medium and high tensile structural steel - Specification (Seventh Revision) |
Hot rolled medium and high tensile structural steel - Specification (Seventh Revision) |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
15 (Dimensions) |
1000.0 |
12 (Impact Test (For Specified Quality Grade)) |
5000.0 |
11 (Bend Test - IS 1599: 2019.) |
1500.0 |
10 (% Elongation - IS 1608 (Part 1): 2022.) |
1000.0 |
10 (Yield Stress - - IS 1608 (Part 1): 2022.) |
1000.0 |
10 (Tensile Strength - IS 1608 (Part 1): 2022) |
1000.0 |
8.2 (Carbon) |
500.0 |
8.2 (Sulphur) |
500.0 |
8.2 (Phosphorus) |
500.0 |
8.2 (Manganese) |
500.0 |
8.2 (Silicon) |
500.0 |
8.2 (Carbon Equivalent, %) |
500.0 |
4 (Mass per metre (IS 1732), kg) |
1000.0 |
8.2 (Molybdenum) |
1000.0 |
8.2 (Nickel) |
500.0 |
8.2 (Chromium) |
500.0 |
8.2 (Copper) |
500.0 |
7 (Freedom from Defects) |
1000.0 |
1083 |
IS 1786 (2008) - High strength deformed steel bars and wires for concretere inforcement - Specification (Fourth Revision) |
High strength deformed steel bars and wires for concretere inforcement - Specification (Fourth Revision) |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
5.4 (Rib Area, mm²/ mm - IS 1786: 2008) |
1000.0 |
9.2 (2) (Elongation Percent on gauge length of 5.65 Square Root of Crosss- Sectional Area, % - IS 1608 (Part 1): 2022.) |
1000.0 |
9.2 (3) (Total Elongation at Maximum Force on gauge length of 5.65 Square Root of Crosss- Sectional Area, % - IS 1608 (Part 1): 2022.) |
- |
9.2 (Yield Stress/ 0.2 % Proof Stress. N/mm² -- IS 1608 (Part 1): 2022.) |
1000.0 |
9.2 (6) (Tensile Strength (32 to 40 mm), N/mm² - IS 1608 (Part 1): 2022.) |
1500.0 |
9.2 (5) (Tensile Strength (16 to 28 mm), N/mm² - IS 1608 (Part 1): 2022.) |
1000.0 |
9.2 (4) (Tensile Strength (up to 12 mm), N/mm² - IS 1608 (Part 1): 2022.) |
- |
5.7 (7) (Bond Stress of deformed bar at Ultimate Failure (for size up to 12 mm), N/mm² - IS 2770 (Part 1)) |
1250.0 |
9.4 (Rebend test (0 - 28 mm) - IS 1786: 2008) |
1000.0 |
9.3 (Bend test - IS 1599: 2023.) |
1000.0 |
7.2 (Mass per metre run, kg/m - IS 1786: 2008) |
1000.0 |
4.2 (2) (Carbon, % by mass (As per ASTM E 415-21/ IS 8811: 1998).) |
500.0 |
4.2 (3) (Sulphur, % by mass (As per ASTM E 415-21/ IS 8811: 1998).) |
500.0 |
4.2 (4) (Phosphorus, % by mass (As per ASTM E 415-21/ IS 8811: 1998).) |
500.0 |
4.2 (5) (Sulphur+ Phosphorus, % by mass.) |
500.0 |
5.7 (6) (Bond Stress of plain bar at Ultimate Failure (for size up to 12 mm), N/mm² - IS 2770 (Part 1)) |
1250.0 |
5.7 (5) (Percentage increase in Bond Stress of Deformed Bar against corresponding Plain Bar at 0.25 mm slip (For size up to 12 mm), % - IS 2770(Part 1)) |
1250.0 |
5.7 (4) (Bond Stress of deformed bar at 0.25 mm slip (for size up to 12 mm), N/mm² - IS 2770 (Part 1)) |
1250.0 |
5.7 (3) (Bond Stress of Plain bar at 0.25 mm slip (for size up to 12 mm), N/mm² - IS 2770 (Part 1)) |
1250.0 |
5.7 (2) (Percentage increase in Bond Stress of Deformed Bar against corresponding Plain Bar at 0.025 mm slip (For size up to 12 mm), % - IS 2770(Part 1)) |
1250.0 |
5.7 (1) (Bond Stress of Deformed bar at 0.025 mm slip (for size up to 12 mm), N/mm² - IS 2770 (Part 1)) |
1250.0 |
5.7 (8) (Bond Stress of Plain bar at 0.025 mm slip (for size 16 to 40 mm), N/mm² - IS 2770 (Part 1)) |
1875.0 |
5.7 (9) (Bond Stress of deformed bar at 0.025 mm slip (for size 16 to 40 mm), N/mm² - IS 2770 (Part 1)) |
1875.0 |
5.7 (10) (Percentage increase in Bond Stress of Deformed Bar against corresponding Plain Bar at 0.025 mm slip (for size 16 to 40 mm), % - IS 2770(Part 1)) |
1875.0 |
5.7 (11) (Bond Stress of Plain bar at 0.25 mm slip (for size 16 to 40 mm), N/mm² - IS 2770 (Part 1)) |
1875.0 |
5.7 (12) (Bond Stress of deformed bar at 0.25 mm slip (for size 16 to 40 mm), N/mm² - IS 2770 (Part 1)) |
1875.0 |
5.7 (13) (Percentage increase in Bond Stress of Deformed Bar against corresponding Plain Bar at 0.25 mm slip (for size 16 to 40 mm), % - IS 2770(Part 1)) |
1875.0 |
5.7 (14) (Bond Stress of plain bar at Ultimate Failure (for size 16 to 40 mm), N/mm² - IS 2770 (Part 1) |
1875.0 |
5.7 (15) (Bond Stress of deformed bar at Ultimate Failure (for size 16 to 40 mm), N/mm² - IS 2770 (Part 1) |
1875.0 |
9.2 (1) (TS/ YS Ratio - (IS 1786: 2008/ IS 1608 (Part 1): 2022).) |
- |
4.2 (1) (Carbon Equivalent (CE), , % by mass.) |
2000.0 |
9.4 (1) (Rebend test (32 to 40mm)- IS 1786: 2008) |
1500.0 |
4.2 (7) (Chromium, % by mass (As per ASTM E 415-21/ IS 8811: 1998).) |
500.0 |
4.2 (8) (Copper, % by mass (As per ASTM E 415-21/ IS 8811: 1998).) |
500.0 |
4.2 (9) (Nickel, % by mass (As per ASTM E 415-21/ IS 8811: 1998).) |
1000.0 |
4.2 (10) (Molybdenum, % by mass (As per ASTM E 415-21/ IS 8811: 1998).) |
1000.0 |
5.7 (Bond Stress of Plain bar at 0.025 mm slip (for size up to 12 mm), N/mm² - IS 2770 (Part 1)) |
1250.0 |
4.2 (Manganese, % by mass (As per ASTM E 415-21/ IS 8811: 1998).) |
300.0 |
4.2 (15) (Titanium, % by mass (As per ASTM E 415-21/ IS 8811: 1998).) |
300.0 |
4.2 (14) (Vanadium, % by mass (As per ASTM E 415-21/ IS 8811: 1998).) |
300.0 |
3.1 (Aluminium (% by mass)) |
500.0 |
1084 |
IS 269 (2015) - Ordinary portland cement - Specification (Sixth Revision) |
Ordinary portland cement - Specification (Sixth Revision) |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
7, Table 3, Sl No 4c (Compressive strength, MPa (c) 672 ± 4 h IS 4031 (Part 6):1988) |
1000.0 |
7, Table 3, Sl No 4b (Compressive strength, MPa (b) 168 ± 2 h IS 4031 (Part 6):1988) |
1000.0 |
7, Table 3, Sl No 4a (Compressive strength, MPa-(a) 72 ± 1 h IS 4031 (Part 6):1988) |
1000.0 |
7, Table 3, Sl No 3b (Setting time: b) Final, IS 4031 (Part 5):1988) |
250.0 |
7, Table 3, Sl No 3a (Setting time: a) Initial IS 4031 (Part 5):1988) |
250.0 |
7, Table 3, Sl No 2b (Soundness b) By autoclave test method IS 4031 (Part 3):1988) |
1000.0 |
7, Table 3, Sl No 2a (Soundness: a) By Le-Chatelier method, IS 4031 (Part 3):1988) |
500.0 |
7, Table 3, Sl No 1 (Fineness IS 4031 (Part 2):1999) |
1000.0 |
6.1, Table2, Sl No 8 (Alkali content IS 4032:1985) |
2000.0 |
6.1, Table2, Sl No 7 (Chloride content IS 4032:1985) |
500.0 |
6.1, Table2, Sl No 6 (Loss on ignition IS 4032:1985) |
600.0 |
6.1, Table2, Sl No 5 (Total Sulphur content percent by mass, IS 4032:1985) |
500.0 |
6.1, Table2, Sl No 4 (Magnesia IS 4032:1985) |
600.0 |
6.1, Table2, Sl No 3 (Insoluble residue, IS 4032:1985) |
600.0 |
6.1, Table2, Sl No 2 (Ratio of percentage of alumina to that of iron oxide IS 4032:1985) |
600.0 |
6.1, Table2, Sl No 1 (Ratio of percentage of lime to percentages of silica, alumina and iron oxide, IS 4032 : 1985) |
600.0 |
7 Table 3, (V) (Transverse strength (Optional) -IS 4031(Part 8)) |
2500.0 |
7 table 3 note 4 (Progressive increase in strength) |
- |
13 (The standard consistency of cement paste(IS 4031(4):1988)) |
500.0 |
13.2 (Independent Testing) |
- |
1085 |
IS 2171 (1999) - Specification for portable fire extinguishers,dry powder (cartridge type) |
Specification for portable fire extinguishers,dry powder (cartridge type) |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
9 (Anti corrosive treatment) |
1000.0 |
11.1 (Discharge test ) |
1000.0 |
11.2 (Internal Hydraulic pressure and Ultimate strength test of pipes) |
2000.0 |
7.5 (Test against rusting of Extinguisher) |
1000.0 |
1086 |
IS 11171 (1985) - Specification for dry - Type power transformers |
Specification for dry - Type power transformers |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
No Record Found
1087 |
IS 940 (2003) - Specification for Portable Fire Extinguisher, Water Type (Gas Cartridge) - |
Specification for Portable Fire Extinguisher, Water Type (Gas Cartridge) - |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
No Record Found
1088 |
RDSO IRS S 63/2014 : Part 0 : Sec Revision 4 (2014) - PVC Insulated,underground, unscreened cable for Railway Signalling |
PVC Insulated,underground, unscreened cable for Railway Signalling |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
No Record Found
1089 |
Calibration Digi Volt 1000V 5R - AC/ DC Voltmeter, Digital upto 1000 V for 5 Ranges |
AC/ DC Voltmeter, Digital upto 1000 V for 5 Ranges |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
0 (Calibration of the Equipment) |
1000.0 |
1090 |
IS 15560 (2005) - Point hooks with shank up to 160 tonne specification |
Point hooks with shank up to 160 tonne specification |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
10 (Proof Load- 11 to 20 ton) |
5000.0 |
10 (Proof Load- 21 to 50 ton) |
8000.0 |
10 (Proof Load- 51 to 130 ton) |
10000.0 |
10 (Proof Load -1 to 10 ton) |
3000.0 |
1091 |
IS 11371 (1985) - Method for macroetch test of wrought steel products |
Method for macroetch test of wrought steel products |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
IS 11371 (Macro Etch Examination) |
1000.0 |
1092 |
IS 12037 (1987) - Specification for macrographic examination of steel by sulphur print (Baumann Method) |
Specification for macrographic examination of steel by sulphur print (Baumann Method) |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
IS 12037 (Sulphur Print) |
3000.0 |
1093 |
RDSO C-9505 (2001) - Schedule of Technical Requirements for Enhanced Capacity (Alloy Steel) Screw Couplings used on Railway Coaches |
Schedule of Technical Requirements for Enhanced Capacity (Alloy Steel) Screw Couplings used on Railway Coaches |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
7.3.1 (Impact Test) |
7500.0 |
7.3.2 (Destruction Test) |
7500.0 |